Hand reaching for ears of grain

Quality & Sustainability Feed

Baker explaining characteristics on the basis of a loaf of bread


Replacement of our batch container rotation system

#hightechproduction #update #batchcontainer #safebakingingredients

The IREKS Baking Academy

#trainingbakeries #knowledgetransfer #inspiration #innovation #irekscampus

Company tours for employees at IREKS

#companytour #brewhouse #technicalcentre #bakingacademy #ireksfamily

New in-company lessons on the topic of energy management and sustainability

#training #incompanylessons #energymanagement #sustainability

The new IREKS Technical Centre

#research #productdevelopment #analysis #IQ #newpossibilities

Easter baking for a good cause

#trainees #easter #surprise #bakeforgood

Kulmbach University Campus meets IREKS

#science #practice #centreofexcellenceforfood #kulmbach #cooperation #future

Focus on quality: Research & development days for employees

#insights #handson #ireksiq #trainingdays 

Brewhouse: Resource-saving malt extract production

#energyefficience #combinedheatandpowerplant #waterratherthansteam #co2savings

More climate-friendly together: IREKS participates in environmental initiative

#climate-friendly #mediumsizedcompanies #network #knowledgetransfer #member

Solar plant at the Brasil location

IREKS DO BRASIL S.A.: 100 % solar energy

#brasil #subsidiary #solarplant #selfgenerated

Laboratory employee working on the amylograph

LEMITEC: First year of baking technology successfully completed

#statecollegeforfoodtechnology #furthertraining #bakingtechnology #graduation #topmarks

Bread ring made from ORGANIC 4 GRAIN BREAD MIX

Because organic is mindfulness!

#organicrange #certified #improvers #mixes #sourdoughs #malts #trend

Further training baking technology in cooperation with LEMITEC

#juniorstaff #skillsshortage #statecollegeforfoodtechnology #practicaltraining

Grains of the whiskered brome

New grain raw material? Research project on the whiskered brome

#jointproject #universityofbayreuth #bezirkslehrgut #protectedspecies #malting #baking

New trainees with training manager Carina Wagner and Deputy Head of Human Resources Diana Stüllein-Ott

Start of training 2021

#welcometotheteam #tomorrowsspecialists #goodstart #tentrainingprofessions

Unripe spelt kernels in a bowl

A closer look at trend raw material unripe spelt

#aromatic #green #speltharvestedunripe #tradition #trend

Logo Environment + Climate Pact Bavaria

Membership in the Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact

#membershipextended #membersince2007 #commitment #initiative

Combined heat and power plant at the Kulmbach location

Energy efficiency target: 15 % in 15 years!

#energymanagement #newtarget #until2024 #savingspotentials #planofmeasures

A picture is taken from people in front of the IREKS photo wall

IREKS hosts energy efficiency network

#networkingfranconia #partners #energymanagement #commontarget

IREKS brewhouse

The new brewhouse at the site of the company in Kulmbach has started operations

#maltproduction #investment #economicalonresources #cleanlabel