Hand reaching for ears of grain

Quality & Sustainability Feed

Baker explaining characteristics on the basis of a loaf of bread

Thinking of tomorrow – now

Quality and sustainability are two topics that are closely linked at IREKS. In both areas, it is our aim to continuously improve, to set ourselves new goals and to start thinking ahead IREKS for the future now. In our Quality and Sustainability Feed, you will find our small and large advances as well as current contributions on the two topics.

Energy efficiency target: 20 % in 20 years

#goalsetting #environmentalprotection #challengeaccepted

Energy efficiency and climate protection network: new reduction targets

#strongertogether #northernbavaria #energymanagement #reduction


Tradition and technology in harmony: The new STAMAG malthouse

#sustainablemaltproduction #stateoftheart #futureproject #madeinaustria

Study trip to IREKS: “Innovative Food” seminar group

#unibayreuth #workingtogether #innovativefood #irekstechnicalcentre

Targets exceeded: Energy efficiency and climate protection network

#co2savings #aboveaverage #togetherstronger #northernbavaria

Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact: Minister of State Glauber visits IREKS

#environmentalinitiave #bavaria #responsibility #17yearsmembership

STAMAG: Photovoltaic system online

#greenenergy #austria #co2savings

STAMAG: Transparent baking ingredients production

#bakingingredientsproduction #fullyautomatic #ireksgroup #transparanecy

New Research Technical Centre for the refinement of raw materials

#r&d #competenceproducts #scaleup #irekscampus

Certification of our energy management – new milling site integrated!

#mill #energyefficiency #certification #addingvalue

Grain by Grain

Grain by grain, we continue to develop our areas of expertise and take as many production steps as possible into our own hands. Come with us on a journey along our value-added chain from grain to finished baked goods!

One paste, lots of IREKS expertise

#speltexperts #everythingfromonesource #cleanlabel #valueaddedchain 

Favourite Raw Material Spelt: Our Expertise in a Brochure

#speltworld #rawmaterialsafety #valueaddedchain

Back to the roots! IREKS expands mill expertise

#millingtradition #maltflour #foodsafety #eichenmühle

Get out of the husk: spelt hulling at IREKS

#grainprocessing #speltcompetence

Small seed, big taste

#poopyseeds #valueaddedchain #everythinginonehand #quality

Pesticides and the like in raw material: not with IREKS!

#ultratraceanalysis #safefood #pesticides #fromfarmtofork

IREKS: An anchor in stormy times

#partnership #securityofsupply #deliverypower #investments #teamireks

Spelt cultivation with the Mainkorn producer group

#grain #rawmaterialcultivation #quality #ateyelevel #agriculture

Grain by grain: Adding value at IREKS

#securityofrawmaterialsupply #processcompetence #productcompetence #qualitystandards

Further links

What does IREKS IQ mean?

#innovation #quality #fivepillars #worldwideexchange #principleofquality


Sustainability at IREKS

#environmentalprotection #responsibilitysince1856 #bestbasis #strongertogether #livingandpassingonsustainability




#furthertopics #sneakapeak #morequality #moresustainability